
Random thoughts

"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." -- Arthur Dent

Awesome quote from one of the most awesome books in the whole universe, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." I hadn't read it in awhile so I packed it for our annual summer trip to Memphis to visit family before school starts (for my mom, she's a math teacher). It's pure-hilarious-genius. And a quick read, finished in three days. Guess who also turned out to be a big fan of Hitchhiker's and most all things British ... yep, the husband. One of the reasons we work. We've got an autographed picture of Douglas Adams and briefly flirted with the idea of naming one of the boys after him. I shouldn't even tell you that I wore a bathrobe and Chris dressed at Ford Prefect for the movie premiere. And yes, I travel with a towel because they are so handy to have around. 

We were in Memphis and now me and the boys have arrived in Pontotoc, Miss., "Land of the Hanging Grapes," for a few days. Joseph is going to have his one-year portrait taken in the morning by a friend of the family. Will also had his picture taken by Trent and they turned out fabulous. Can't let the second kid miss out now can we. Our arrival also coincides with the 17th annual Bodock Festival. What's a bodock you ask? It's a tree that has big green balls as fruit. (Listen, I'll take a picture and upload it when I get home, promise.) It's very hometown stuff with pancake breakfasts at the fire house and a pep rally Friday night for the area school football teams. This year they are honoring a famous son, Jim Weatherly. Who? How about "Midnight Train to Georgia?" Heard of that one? Jim wrote it and a good many other hits. If I was in any shape, I would walk the Twilight 5K run Friday night but I hope instead to catch a beer with good friends Steven and Julie. Both are from Pontotoc (high school sweeties, ahhhhh) now residing in N.C. Julie will be selling her pottery in the arts and crafts fair on the square. I plan to go home with a bunch of it! 

We eventually will get home sometime Saturday after being gone a whole week (a whole week!). Waiting for us will be a new Miata. Okay, not new. It's a 1996. That needs a little work hence the low price tag. And I can't drive it because it's a stick shift. Chris tried to teach me once and let's just say, it didn't end well. But hey, a Miata! Top down, take the long, winding road home Miata! The neighbors are going to hate having another car around! We'll have to bribe them with rides around the block. But we don't plan on having the Mustang too much longer. It's time for us to find her someone who will have the energy, time and money to restore her. That way when Will turns 16 he can say, "You had a Mustang? And you sold it?!!!" which is what I said to my dad when I turned 16. Instead, I got a '78 Caprice Classic. 

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