So January is here. Doesn't feel much like a new year to me yet ... still feels like 2010. My days are very similar and I don't always know the date anymore. But still, it's a new year so maybe I should start acting like it. One big change is that Joseph started school this semester ... we figure it's about time for him to socialize with other little ones to learn how to play, share, etc. He's a homebody, sleeps best in his crib, loves to explore but always within reach of me so we'll see how this new phase plays out.
So with two kids to get ready for school twice a week, I need to get to bed earlier the nights before and every night. Yes, and eat better, more exercise, floss, blah, blah, blah ... this momma should take better care of herself but I don't.
One thing we need to do is eat out less. Chris and I both enjoy going out ... the boys love Moe's and Chick-fil-A. And I'm a sucker for getting a Happy Meal when Will's been good. I am not anti-fast food. I went to McDonald's every Sunday for almost four years with my Dad. It's amazing that he survived all that artery-clogging food. I kept Will from McDonald's french fries until he was almost 3 (because they are crack I tell you, yummy delicious salty crack) but Joseph already loves them and pizza. So eating out less would also be healthier for everyone. And that takes menu planning (sigh) and better grocery lists with organized coupons (which I should cut weekly not monthly, double sigh).
I decided that Chris will recycle our glass once a month instead of the four times a year we might be doing now. We have to cart it to the downtown recycling center and I'm tired of the comments as I unload box after box. Plus it will free up some space on the porch for actual play. Chris said I can't make a resolution for him so I asked if I can resolve to nag him about it instead. Not surprisingly, that idea was met with silence. Overall I want the porch to be more company-ready instead of the dumping ground for miscellaneous it is now. Same goes for the foyer. Oh what I wouldn't give for more closet space!
But I don't have more closet space so this clutter that we don't even see anymore has to go. Time to toss, toss, toss. It won't happen overnight but little by little, maybe I can make a difference by next Christmas. That's the goal anyway.
I swear I did not set this up. |
More of this. Less television and computer time.
Other goals include spending less time on the computer finding stuff to make and actually make said items. Working more on friendships, old and new. Writing more letters. Organize the photographs. Refine Will's table manners. Joseph will have to lose the bedtime bottle soon ... not looking forward to that change.
Okay, I think that's about enough resolving for one year. May it be a good one for all of us.