32 books for $37. Not bad. I had a good time looking through the great selection of books at the Emmet O'Neal Library annual book sale. I can't wait to see which ones become our favorites.
I don't want to bore you with a big long list but I wanted to highlight a few of the finds ... for Joseph I was happy to pick up "Panda Bear, Panda Bear What do you See?" which completes the series on our bookshelf and "My Very First Book of Motion," both by Eric Carle. And last year I found the board book Richard Scarry's "Colors" ... I hope Richard Scarry's "From 1 to 10" is as big of a hit.
I found it hard to pick out books for Will now that he has outgrown board books. So far he liked "Do You Know Where Your Monster is Tonight?" by Joanne and David Wylie. Trying to teach Will time has been ... trying! And "Moonstruck (The true story of the cow who jumped over the Moon)" by Gennifer Choldenko is cute and teaches perseverance. Last, two children's sign language books should provide lots of entertainment. Will's been showing interest in signing so I figure we better learn how to do it right before we cuss someone out by accident.
Now for the books I'm excited about. Though the selection of vintage children's books was smaller this year, I still walked away with a few gems ...
"The Giant Nursery Book of Things That Go" by George J. Zaffo (1959) — Pictured at the bottom of the stack, it's huge. And the drawings are wonderful ... very similar style to "Harry the Dirty Dog" series. Online information about Mr. Zaffo is slim. Seems he drew close to 20 books, mostly vehicle driven.
"The Big Book of Things to Do and Make" by Helen Jill Fletcher. Illustrated by Ingrid Fetz (1961) — Woo-hoo, a treasure trove of vintage craft ideas. And you would not be surprised how some ideas never go out of style. Will has picked out a couple of things to do already.
"Black Beauty" adapted by Eleanor Graham Vance. Illustrated by Phoebe Erickson. (1949) — From the cover "All the tenderness of Anna Sewell's beloved story of Black Beauty is preserved in this new picture-story adaptation." I look forward to reading this chapter book to Will.
"Feathered Ones and Furry" by Aileen Fisher. Illustrated by Eric Carle! (1971, but this is a book club edition so could not determine actually printing). All the animals illustrations are woodcut in black and so lovely to view. And the poetry is fun and sweet. Will showed an early interest in poetry so I try to buy one or two new books a year. But if he doesn't love this book, I know I will!
Looks like I did give you a big, boring list. As a reward for reading all the way to the end, I have a book to giveaway. "Kitty Princess and the Newspaper Dress" by Emma Carlow and Trevor Dickinson.* Aimed at boys and girls ages 5-8. You can read reviews at Amazon. Just comment by Wednesday 8 p.m. CST and I'll let the random generator gods select the winner.
*Full disclosure: Let's be clear that I bought this book at a USED book sale. It is a former library book. It has been handled. One page repaired with tape. It still can be enjoyed for many years but I don't want anyone to be disappointed.
Smiles and good luck.
Update: According to the random generator gods, the winner is Jen. I'll be mailing your book very soon. I wish I had books for everyone!