I have two Twitter accounts now. Don't really know what to do with either. One will be for the blog so follow along @prettynest. The other is going to be more personal and read like my Facebook status updates. And I really enjoy writing and reading FB statuses.
Will has read his 30 books for the summer reading program so he got to visit the book room today and take one home. He chose "Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse" by Leo Lionni, copyright 1969. Now he had a "Go Diego Go!" book in his hand and was eyed a Dr. Seuss-style read so I was rather happy with the final pick. "Let's Make Rabbits," also by Lionni, was found a couple of years ago at the big book sale (which I love) and quickly became a favorite. The BEST part is that the characters are named Alexander and Willy. It so happens that one of Will's best friends is an Alex. How freakin' cool is that. We will certainly read it with Alex the next time he comes over to play. And I'll be hunting for another copy for sure.
On the project list ... I want to make this. I want to eat this after I make them. And I've started a project like this. But not quite. Blogs I found this week include Plum Pudding, Suburban Snapshots and I Still Love You. Waiting to be watched are "Burn Notice," the entire Ken Burns National Parks series and "Frost/Nixon."