This has to be one of the coolest things EVER! Chris told me about it in a e-mail with the subject "Why didn't WE think if this." Because it's one of the coolest things EVER!
Though maybe just in our household filled with Mac products. We've got a computer, laptop, nano, iPhone and yes, we now have an iPad too. Even the Cozy Coupe sports an Apple logo around here. And I almost wish we didn't have the iPhone and iPad because all day long we hear, "Can I play on the iPad? Daddy's not sharing the iPhone." It's amazing to think that while I didn't have a computer until college, William and Joseph will never know a world without the internet and WiFi and high-definition everything.
Leave to the Japanese to meld iPhones with old-school technology. So just what is it? It's a book that interacts with a free app on your iPhone. See the cute window for the iPhone to show through? Chris said I should get busy writing an American version but I'm sure someone in the American publishing realm will put one on the shelves of my local Barnes & Noble ASAP. Otherwise, I'll head down to the bank for some yen.
Read more about it here. And then try to tell me it's not one of the coolest things ever.
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