
And other ways my kid amazes me

So we had to go back to the dentist today for a filling. I know! Filling on baby teeth, what?! But those baby teeth aren't falling out anytime soon so got to take care of them too. I'm rather upset about it. We don't do soda (ok, Will doesn't drink soda, all I have in my veins is Coca-Cola), or gum and I never left a bottle in the crib. We brush AND floss. Ugh!

I was a little worried about how Will was going to handle the filling. He was a little more squirmy at the regular checkup than last time. But no worries, he was a big champ! Got a bravery award and (he likes to shout) TWO TOKENS for the gumball-type vending machines which he used to get a penguin for daddy and a mini-ninja man. Maybe we should start handing out tokens to everyone because them tokens are hot stuff.

Mr. President, here's your token for ending the war. "Sweet! I can get a bouncy ball!" Heck, I think that's worth at least two tokens.

And today's treat for being so good at the dentist? Usually, it's a trip to McWane Science Center which is our favorite place in the world. But today Will wanted a trip to the donut store! I know, pretty ironic to get a donut after the dentist. But he was sooooo good.

Of course I wasn't. FIVE, I had FIVE donuts today. Two of them "get them while they are HOT!" Hands down one of the best tasting things ever created. Tomorrow's post, how I'm going to lose 20 pounds this year. Yes, go ahead and LOL.

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