
Fabulous Friday

I love bags and totes and carryalls and even diaper bags. The more useful the better. I have tons of the "new" green grocery bags; most are freebies from a variety of companies.  I try very hard to keep them in the car so I can reduce the number of plastic bags in circulation. Every bit counts and so on. Here's a cute ABC tote from abc kitchen. Found after seeing a different (also cute) tote on Eat Drink Chic so I went to check out the website. Of course, if I'm ordering one might as well get the numbers tote too.

I also like to admire designer bags from afar ... usually far, far away in the pages of magazines. I have one Coach bag (third traditional anniversary is leather! Score!) and a thrifted Michael Michael Kors which is a little beat up but I think adds to the charm. I'm about 97 percent sure it's not a fake.

There in a nutshell shows how I'm at odds with myself fairly often. I'm all reduce, reuse, recycle but have an eye for the pricy ... That makes this the most awesome bag for me!

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