
Losing a job, red wine and vodka

If Pinterest is my bulletin board, I like to think of my Web site as my scrapbook. So here's a Facebook comment thread from the day we got word that, come September, Chris and 60 of his fellow co-workers will be losing their jobs at The Birmingham News. If it had been published in a newspaper, I would cut it out and keep forever. The outpouring of support and love from friends and family has been uplifting.

Christina Gates Tutor
June 12
Our news from the News wasn't good. In other news, I'm out of red wine. Damn it!

    • Michelle White Kimber Christina, I may need to bring my bottle of wine and stash of chocolate over to your house! Or we could join the group going out tonight.
      June 12 at 4:26pm ·  · 1

    • Chris Tutor I disagree. We're being pushed to do something new. Our news, while not great, isn't terrible. We're in very very good company.
      June 12 at 4:26pm ·  · 10

    • Tiffany R. Bunt Great attitude Chris!
      June 12 at 4:27pm ·  · 3

    • Christina Gates Tutor I'm more upset about the no red wine. But plenty of vodka.
      June 12 at 4:27pm ·  · 4

    • Michelle White Kimber I agree!

    • Christina Gates Tutor ‎(Yes dear, we'll be fine. But folks wanted to know so I got the word out)

    • Charles Corder Sounds like a Jaager night.

    • Kristina O'Quinn I hope you've got an amazing opportunity right around the corner!
      June 12 at 4:44pm ·  · 1

    • Steve Jones Sorry about the news. You guys will be fine.
      June 12 at 4:49pm via mobile ·  · 2

    • Christina Gates Tutor Mr. Martin, can you get me some Stoli on the rocks?
      June 12 at 4:54pm ·  · 1

    • Emily Alane Stromberg Baker Bummer--about the news and the lack of wine. :-( But yes, there's vodka...and Tutor's a smart guy, and I like his attitude...God closes one door and opens another. (Or, barring that, at least He opens a window?)
      June 12 at 4:56pm ·  · 1

    • Wade Kwon I'm sorry.

    • Kim Ossi van Brecht So sorry to hear, but sounds like Chris is turning it into a positive. I will toast to you guys... Sad day for journalism.
      June 12 at 6:27pm via mobile · 

    • Terra Mortensen Sad indeed. Sounds like y'all will be turning over an exciting new leaf though. Best of luck.

    • Laura Hipp Mayer I was thinking of y'all today. So sorry. But vodka cures just as good as wine.
      June 12 at 7:02pm via mobile · 

    • Justin Bailey Took me 10 months to find a job after I lost my newspaper job. Hopefully, it won't take Chris that long.
      June 12 at 7:03pm via mobile · 

    • Amber Bethel Allen This might be a sign that y'all need to move to Wisconsin... ;) Really, I'm so sorry. :(

    • Vicki Barrow Clemmer I'm sorry too! I loved working with Chris. And now I love reading about you and the boys and Chris and the beers. Wish you guys all the luck in the world!
      June 12 at 7:34pm via mobile · 

    • Wanda Carruthers Thinking of you right now.

    • Robin DeMonia I am so heartbroken, Christina.
      June 12 at 9:15pm ·  · 1

    • Christy Lawson Mouton Thinking about you guys. With all of the talent in your household, I'm sure only great and exciting things lie ahead.
      June 12 at 9:31pm via mobile · 

    • Deb Bulkeley Oh no. My thoughts are with u guys. I also wish I could do something about the wine situation from behind the Zion curtain.
      June 12 at 11:40pm via mobile · 

    • Suzanne Bradley Freeman So sorry Christina. Hang in there.

    • Christina Gates Tutor Much thanks for all your kind words.

    • Sean Kelley Sorry to hear that too! Will keep an ear to the ground.

    • Shawn McIntosh Ugh, that is not good. I'm sorry.

    • Lisa G. Morgan Christina and Chris, I am still here for an occasional free babysitting job, and of course, I am up for a movie anytime. Hey, let's invite Danny and tell him, he's got to pay!
      June 13 at 3:43pm ·  · 1

    • Christina Gates Tutor Hello there bottle of red wine left on my door step! Many thanks for the dropper-off of said bottle.
      June 13 at 8:52pm ·  · 6

    • Nichele Hoskins Wait. The wine fairy came to your house?
      June 13 at 9:36pm ·  · 1

    • Robert Fortner yeah...wait a minute...Isn't the wine fairy good friends with the cash fairy?!? See if you can slip them my address...

    • Ashley Williams Alessio Vodka trumps wine, in my book! Yay, vodka!
      June 14 at 7:20pm ·  · 1

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