
DIY: Butterfly wall

It was time for the hearts to go. But I really got used to seeing something cheery on that wall. Luckily some butterflies decided to come inside to make us smile. 

Total ripoff ... Dana of Made made a paper butterfly sanctuary that I bet quite a few of us in blogland are copying. I showed the idea to Will and he liked it. Nap time rolled around for Joseph so that gave Will and I a chance to work with markers, scissors and glue uninterrupted. 

I would give this craft an A+. The butterflies were quick and easy to make — the best kind of craft for my Will (and his momma!). 

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I saw Dana's, too and am hoping to get around to it. :)

    By the way, I LOVE Leonard Weisgard--we have a copy of that book and I think it is the most perfect Easter basket surprise ever. :)
