You knew we would all love the Liberty of London line. That we would buy, buy, buy the cute patterns on everything from clothes to even a bicycle (yes, bicycles!). So why did you order so few of everything? You do know that I have kids that don't like been driven all over creation to find the dress that matches the coat? Even online, the place were the busy mom can shop her heart's desires after hours screams out of stock on practically everything. So get busy reordering so I can buy this or that and the matching wallets!
Sincerely, A loyal shopper
P.S. I was in your new store the other day. How nice of you to build the biggest Target in the world right in my backyard. So nice and clean. And the service! Three separate people asked me if I needed help as I browsed the wide aisles in wonder. That's my kind of shopping.
And no, this was not brought to you by anyone, but if Target wants to thank me for their upcoming quarterly profit they can send me this ... it would look perfect in the master bedroom.

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