
And everything changes ...

NO ONE told how much life changes once your kid starts big kid school!

NEW ROUTINE ... Okay, maybe it doesn't change that much for folks with kids in day care. Monday through Friday, get them there by 8, pick them up at the end of the day. Now, instead of day care, you are dropping them off at school. But I left my part-time job (exactly) four years ago to stay at home. Four years of we can do whatever we want, whenever we want. Sure, Will went to preschool three days a week but it started at 9 and if you were a few minutes late, it was not a punishable offense.

Now, Will's got to be at school at 7:45! Yikes!

We need to leave the house by 7:30! Eek!!

I am NOT a morning person! Ackk!!!

Getting into the new morning routine is kicking my butt. Trying to do all I can at night — laying out Will's uniform (he's uber cute in it), picking out an outfit for me at least one level above PJs, thinking about what to pack for lunch. I'm trying very hard to go to bed early at night (HA) and wake up early (EVEN FUNNIER). Soon, Joseph starts back to Parents' Day Out three days a week which will complicate the routine even more. Also, two kiddos in two different schools means two sets of rules and how-tos and names and oh, forgive me, my head just exploded.

NEW FACES ... We've* had a good group of peers for the last three years. Now, everyone is scattered all over the city. Within our circle of friends, the kids attend at least eight different schools. It's hard to keep up with who's where. I miss seeing my mom friends at PDO dropoff. I miss knowing the names of every kid in Will's class. This is a great chance to make new friends (for both Will and I) but I want to keep the old ones too.

NEW WORRIES ... My mom called me out on this the other day. She knows I'm worrying too much about how Will is transitioning (because it ain't great folks! They've had to peel him off of me twice!). I do worry about Will because he's surrounded by new people and what if there's a bully and what if he can't get his belt back on after using the restroom and what if he gets frustrated and they don't know how to handle his frustration ... so on and so on. Then I calmly remind myself that his teacher has been teaching kindergarten for more than 15 years and certainly can handle whatever challenges Will throws her way. I'll admit it — I'm not happy with Will for not loving school. Heck, he doesn't have to love it. I would just appreciate not having a scene in the morning in front of the other kids and moms. Yes, it is embarrassing. Yes, it makes me mad. Then I'm mad at myself for getting mad and I get back to worrying. But he's fine at pickup. Tired but fine. He's learning new things and so am I.

We've survived one week of our big new world of kindergarten ... a question for the moms who have been here, done that — any other changes coming? I want to be prepared!

*I'm using "we" a lot because I feel like I'm going back to school too. I AM the one buying everything and learning the rules and changing the family schedule. Sure, it's Will's life but I feel that I'm on the journey too.

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