
Multiplying rabbits!

You know all the old jokes about rabbits and their reproductive habits? 
Here's one: How are bunnies like calculators? They can multiply real fast! 

Well, bunnies tend to multiply around my house too. I'm not just talking about the dust bunnies either. At the moment, Joseph has nine stuffed bunnies in play — there's Baby Bunny, Momma Bunny, Grey Bunny, Snow Bunny, New Bunny ('cause he was new duh), Blue Bunny, another Blue Bunny and several waiting for names. (Let's not even count the secondary puppy dogs, dinos and bears that cover his bed.)

Time to make more bunnies for Easter!

So clever! So easy to make! Oh Happy Day

From my favorite folks at Mr. Printables. They also
 have a giant egg for coloring and an egg hunt
 board game. Hope you asked the Easter Bunny
 to bring you more ink.

Clever Martha folks. Pompom noses (and tails) always please me.

These cuties are going to multiply all over my house. Besides
using it as a garland, I love the idea from Printable Paper Craft by Happy Thought
to attach them to sticks and decorating the yard.

I couldn't find an original source for this picture.
What a cute prop for Easter pictures with the kids.