
How does it grow? It don't

Every year I think, this is the year. The year we till part of the backyard and plant a ton of stuff. And once again, all I've managed is a couple of containers. Basil and peppers ... And they're not even looking that good. No blooms, little growth. At least our tomato plants produced enough for a sandwich last summer. Maybe next year ...

Now this is a garden! Amanda of SouleMama and her family are slowly creating a homestead in Maine with sheep, chickens and maybe one day a cow. The kind of life that sounds so romantic to me. We love to eat the okra grown in Mississippi each summer at the grandparents. And my grandfather — he had a half acre full of corn, green beans, peas, strawberries and more. It was full of chemicals too because those were the pre-organic days. No telling what I ate with the veggies but they tasted so good. Just thinking about those days in garden with him makes me happy. Maybe next year ...