
Ghost cupcakes

As soon as I opened my October 2012 "Family Fun" magazine, I knew the pull-apart ghost cupcake cake would be perfect for the Halloween party at Joseph's school. Cupcakes are just the right size for the pint-sized kids and don't require knives to cut and forks to eat. A problem for me was the magazine just had a picture, not instructions ... what I would have liked is a picture of what the ghost looked like under the icing. So I took pictures of my ghost-in-progress in case I'm not the only one. 

I think it turned out pretty cute. I made two ghosts for the school party and both disappeared very quickly. Now, if you would like to see how a professional makes this treat, visit Lindsay Ann at Dollhouse Bake Shoppe. (I didn't see her naked ghost until writing this post. I wish "Family Fun" had directed me to her Web site.) 

Happy Halloween!


  1. Turned out fantastic! Thank you for adding a link to my tutorial, sorry you didn't find me until after the post, but glad you did! I will definitely feature your work at the bottom of my post (with a link back here) as well as on the Dollhouse Bake Shoppe Fan Photo album on Facebook, so feel free to tag yourself!

    Happy Halloween!
